Things are only going to get busier, as we prepare for a number of upcoming events for our clients. In addition to musician Dennis Logan dropping his album at the end of this month, EKC-PR along with Breakout Entertainment are planning a big celebrity-filled, live music event come April.
With wedding season just around the corner, EKC-PR has been putting in a lot of work to ensure a very cool and hip European-themed Fashion and Beauty Event hosted by Bella Nella Bridal Salon in Beverly Hills. So far several bridal boutiques )ie: Renee Strauss, Richard Bowman, etc.) and magazines (L.A. Brides, Bride & Bloom, etc.) have shown great interest in participating.
Well it is 9:00PM on Friday, so we closing our PR for just a few hours, as publicists need to eat and have a little fun.
Till next time.